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Welcome to my website how may I help? 
I trained with the London School of Sports Massage at Regents University studying sports & remedial massage, to become what is now known as Soft Tissue Therapy.
I've been running for many years & it is this that first got me into studying. At my very best I represented my County (Kent) & won a few County medals. My running is now for health & fitness.

However my understanding of the human body is still growing & I've gained valuable knowledge by studying to become a Barefoot Strong Specialist & by delving into the world Slings Myofascial Training.


Yours Sincerely
Tim Sutton LSSM (Dip) MISRM

Hillcrest Sports Injury Clinic

1 Hillcrest Gardens



CT14 9QU

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Institute Of Sports & Remedial Massage
London School of Sports Massage
Barefoot Strong Specialist
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